NAGICO Staff comes to the aid of fire victims

The Management and staff of NAGICO Insurances came together on their own initiative gathering and donating monies and items of clothing, shoes and food to the three families that lost all their belongings when fire gutted their homes on Sunday.


According to NAGICO’s Communications Department, staff members sprung into action on Monday after reading news of the fire spread. "An internal email was sent out to the staff asking them to contribute in both cash and kind to the victims and immediately we received a generous response," the report stated. "This comes as no surprise because at NAGICO we consider ourselves very community oriented and we believe in treating people the same way we would want to be treated. It is very difficult to start over but the task becomes easier when everyone comes together and helps."


The donation from NAGICO consisted of boxes of clothing, non-perishable food, vouchers for supermarkets and an individual monetary contribution to each family.