SZV Launches Website

Social and Health Insurances SZV officially launched its website on Monday August 27th 2012, as part of its initiative to improve the services rendered to the general public.


The website can be browsed in both English and in Dutch, though all sections haven’t been translated as yet. Certain aspects of the site are still being fine- tuned, however clients can access general information on requirements, processes and such.

COO Reginald Willemsberg and CEO Dennis Richardson were on hand and offered insight into the site features which includes links to the various types of insurance, information on management, legislations, vacancies, and a complaints and suggestions system. This system offers clients the opportunity to submit suggestions or complaints via the website. Willemsberg explained that after feedback is submitted, a response will be given to clients within 3 – 5 working days. All complaints will be handled by the Customer care department and will be reviewed by management.

Richardson said that the complaints submitted by the public will guide SZV to improve or change aspects of its operation. Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor Mr. Cornelius de Weever was also present at the launch and encouraged the public to offer suggestions to SZV.

SZV will continue striving to provide optimum service to its customers by being innovative and dynamic, in order to realize the goal of becoming the number one excellent service provider of St. Maarten.