Inmate starts fire in prison cell

On Tuesday August 14th at approximately 07.30 p.m. an inmate of the Point Blanche Prison who is presently being held at the section of the Philipsburg Police headquarters with initials M. McD.


Started a fire in the cell which he is sharing with others. The inmate who disagrees with his detention at the police station and also for other unclear reasons decided to start this fire. The prison guards on duty at the time, requested police assistance before the situation got out of hand. All inmates were removed from their cells and for safety reasons taken to the open air area. The inmate in question refused to leave his smoke filled cell but, but he was safely removed by police from his cell. The fire department in the meantime had arrived on the scene and put the fire out. After all the smoke had cleared the inmates were allowed to go back to their respective cells. The inmate who started the fire was taken to the Point Blanche Prison where he was put in isolation until the prison management could sort the problem and make decisions to what the following steps regarding the inmate would be. No one was injured during this whole incident. The Detective department and Forensic Department were called in the carry out an investigation.