ESF-3 continues to make preparations for hurricane season

Claudius Buncamper, Head of the Department of Infrastructure Management at the Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Development, Environment and Infrastructure (VROMI), says that his department which falls under the country’s disaster management system as Emergency Support Function (ESF-3), continues to make preparations for the 2012 Atlantic Hurricane Season.

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All major waterways have been cleared of any debris and garbage that would inhibit the free flow of rain water that would lead it to the Fresh Water and Salt Ponds.
The main pump located at Suckergarden Pump Station is operational and has a pumping capacity of approximately 5400 tons of water per hour.
Several other pumps as part of a Dutch funded project for flood water management should be operational within a few weeks. Work is currently taking place at the Ministry VROMI compound for the installation of two pumps with a total pumping capacity of approximately 28,000 tons of water.
Current water levels in the Fresh water and Salt ponds are below flood levels and ESF-3 continues to monitor the weather situation very closely in order to take immediate action should that be necessary. 
Finalization of contractors to be used prior, during and after a hurricane calamity, is being worked on and should be completed within short.
Buncamper is advising that due to the dry spell that the island has been experiencing for a number of weeks until some recent rainfall this week, persons living in hillside areas and who drive on the road network along the hillside are advised to drive with caution during heavy rainfall.  Due to the dry weather in combination with heavy rainfall, this can result in rock slides.
ESF-3 is responsible for Public Works, Transport and Logistics.
The hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30.  All residents are advised to maintain a certain level of preparedness during the season.