Neighborhood Police officers sit exams

The five appointed neighborhood police officers, namely majors H. Romeo-Christina, Felix Richards, E. Josepha and Sergeants J. Statie and M. Sirvania who on May 29th 2012officially started their training in “Community Policing”, sat their exams on Saturday June 2nd 2012 for the first part of their training. 

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All trainings and exams were given by Dr. Hector Garcia and Regina Siedentopf of the Miami Dade School of Justice. The entire class successfully passed the exams with a grade points average of 94 from 100. The students will continue doing their tasks in carrying out certain projects within the community of Sint Maarten. While doing these projects they will be mentored by Community Police Officers from the different police agencies from Miami. This is in preparation for their internship at the Miami Dade County School of Justice beginning in the Month of July 2012.
Congratulations to all students on behalf of the Police Management Team and keep up the good work. Dr. Garcia and Mrs. R. Siedentopf left for the Miami on Sunday June 3rd 2012.