WICSU/PSU Holds Meeting With Postal Services of St. Eustatius

On the 19th April WICSU/PSU decided to call their members of the Postal Services of ST. Eustatius to hold a meeting concerning the many issues that were affecting them over more than two (2) years, of which at a giving moment was affecting them mentally and physically. One of the main issues socially is the building that are housing the post office is unsafe to work in and it is a danger to the workers and public at large, and many, many more.


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After many correspondence to which no answer a firm decision, had to be taken by the union to take the workers off the work site to put a stop to this abuse by those in management position. The workers of the post office is very hard and dedicated workers and should not be judge or victimize when taken a stand to defend and protect themselves. That in the near future will benefit one and all of St. Eustatius.

The tactics which management use is completely unacceptable by this union seeing the motto is to protect and defend our members to the last extend. The way of living on St. Eustatius has change, but the working conditions and benefits of the postal workers remains the same, or must I say decreased as everyone is collecting in dollars and their salaries is in guilder.

Is this not justifiable for the union to take drastic steps to wards these issues? But most of all the customer service has increased, because of love and dedication of my members of the postal office to the community.

Together we stand, divided we fall.

Written by:

Ms Derie V. Leonard
