Arrindell receives courtesy call from Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble


Left to right, Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble and President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell. Arrindell was presented with a silver commemorative medal.


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On Wednesday morning Interpol (International Police) Secretary General Ronald K. Noble, paid a courtesy visit to the President of Parliament Hon. drs. Gracita Arrindell.

Interpol is the world’s largest international police organization, with 190 member countries. The organization’s role is to enable police around the world to work together to make the world a safer place. Interpol makes use of high-tech infrastructure of technical and operational support which helps meet the growing challenges of fighting crime in the 21st century.

"Secretary General Noble was impressed with the parliament organization and he stressed the importance of Sint Maarten being a member of Interpol as a new country.

"He pointed out that there are many benefits for the country, and he was full of praise for our national Police Force under the leadership of Police Commissioner Peter de Witte and the management team, and for the excellent work that the management team of the Police Force did in order for the country to join Interpol, a critically important international police organization.

"I also appreciated the high words of praise and appreciation the Interpol Secretary General expressed towards the Ministry of Justice in general. I thanked him for those high words of praise. I believe our men and women in the judicial and police organization deserve all the support and encouragement to make our country safe for residents and visitors alike.

"I must state that as a young country, Sint Maarten was unanimously accepted as a member of Interpol. Our law enforcement agencies are further strengthened by having this bond and relationship with this international organization and it sends a strong message to organized crime and internationally linked groups that country Sint Maarten will utilize local and international law enforcement contacts to defend its people and its borders against organized crime," President of Parliament Hon. drs. Gracita Arrindell said on Wednesday.

Ronald Noble also expressed to the President of Parliament his appreciation for the overall manner in which he was received and treated on his first official visit to Sint Maarten.

The Secretary General has invited the President of Parliament to visit Interpol’s office in France during her working visit to the Netherlands in June.