Closed door Central Committee Meeting on Central Bank and Dollarization

The Central Committee of Parliament will meet in a closed door meeting on March 30 to discuss a five point agenda.

The meeting will take place on Friday morning at 10.30am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House of Parliament on Wilhelmina Straat #2.1 in Philipsburg.


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The first agenda point is the approval of the parliamentary business trip by the President of Parliament from March 25-28 to Washington; the present status of the Central Bank and the results that led to the Central Bank implementing the borrowing ceiling measure.

The third agenda point is political influences affecting the Central Bank; fourth, currency for Curacao and Sint Maarten vis a vis dollarization; and the fifth agenda point is there a future for a Central Bank of Curacao and Sint Maarten (CBCS).

The President of the CBCS E. Tromp and the Sint Maarten Bankers Association will attend the meeting.

The Central Committee meeting was requested by the Democratic Party faction Members of Parliament (MP) Hon. Roy Marlin, MP Hon. Petrus de Weever, and Independent MP Hon. Patrick Illidge with respect to the CBCS.