Permanent Committee of Parliament on Kingdom Affairs to Meet Behind Closed Doors on 5 Point Agenda

The Permanent Committee of Parliament on Kingdom Affairs and Inter-parliamentary Relations, will meet on March 29 in a closed door session.


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The committee will discuss a five point agenda. The first agenda point regards the Kingdom Law Vessel Nationality; second point, is related to a protocol to change a Treaty related to administrative assistance in Tax Affairs; third agenda point is a protocol with respect to the European Treaty.

The fourth agenda point is related to a draft Kingdom Law that has been drafted and includes a number of European countries with respect to the Republic of Croatia becoming a member of the European Union.

The fifth agenda point to be discussed on Thursday is preparations for the Inter-parliamentary Kingdom Meeting that will be held in The Hague from June 5 – 8.

The meeting will take place on Thursday morning at 10.00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House of Parliament on Wilhelmina Straat #2.1 in Philipsburg.

The committee is headed by Member of Parliament (MP) Hon. Roy Marlin, Chairman, MP Hon. Dr. Ruth Douglass, Vice Chair, MP Hon. Patrick Illidge, MP Hon. William Marlin, and MP Hon. Frans Richardson.