Graphic Design Xpress course still open to those interested

Start date moved to April

Persons interested in Graphic Design Xpress course being offered by the University of St. Martin in conjunction with KGraphix, have just one week to left to still apply for the course.


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There are still some spaces open, USM officials said on Monday while urging persons interested in graphic design to take advantage of the opportunity. They reiterated that in an effort to make this program affordable to all interested participants, USM is offering a payment plan option for those who qualify.

A significant amount of persons have indicated their interest in the course and these persons are urged to come into the University to complete the necessary formalities. Once all formalities are completed by the students, the course is expected to now begin in April and not this week, the officials added. They reiterated that it is only logical for the course to run with sufficient enrollment.

Graphic Design Xpress is new accelerated program and a two-level course, designed by KGraphix and is facilitated by USM. Level one will meet six hours a week for a period of three months. Level two will begin subsequently for the same period of time.

One of the main aims of the program is to provide participants with basic computer skills and creative talent the necessary tools and skills to launch a lucrative freelance design business or to be employed as a qualified Graphic Designer. Students do not have to leave the island to get this type of education and participants can make extra money from graphic design, USM officials noted. The course will be taught by Mr. Kevin Baly, owner of KGraphix and designer.

In the first level of the course, participants will learn the basics of Graphic Design, color and fonts, Adobe Photoshop for Beginners, Adobe Illustrator for beginners, Logo Design 1 and Web Design Xpress (Very basic web design using templates).

The second level of the course will include the following classes: Logo Design II, Advertising and collateral Design, Adobe Photoshop-Advanced, Adobe Illustrator- Advanced, Adobe InDesign Basics, portfolio preparation, Print production workshop and Build your Freelance Business.

Upon completion of this course, students will benefit from having real-time experience working on one real project during the Level II course. Each student will receive a Certificate of Completion after meeting all the requirements for the classes and course.

Persons interested in the Graphic Design Xpress course can visit the University of St. Martin Student Service Center to complete an application form or call us at telephone 542-5171 extension 1000.