MP Pantophlet Questions Minister theo Heyliger

MP Pantophlet posed questions to Minister Theo Heyliger in charge of Public Works, in a letter dated February 21st 2012:


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drs. Gracita Arrindell

President of Parliament

Parliament Building


St. Maarten

February 21, 2012

Dear Madam President,

The Undersigned George Pantophlet Member of Parliament through you would like to submit the following questions to Minister Theo Heyliger in charge of Public Works.

1. What progress has the Minister made with regards with obtaining the salt to deal with the problem of the midges?

2. What is the Minister doing with regards to the marking of the roads in all the arrears where the paint is or has already faded?

3. Can we be provided with the names and the numbers on the letters of ad measurement that has been given out at the ring road? (Each letter of ad measurement has a number and the year).

4. Has a letter of ad-measurement already been given for the land on which the Dutch Village is to be built? If so can we please be provided with a copy?

5. How many lots have been given out on the piece of land that was filled in at the Harbor?

6. How many requests are there presently for government land?

7. How far back do these requests go?

8. I s there any more government land and in what arrears are they located?

9. What happens to government long lease land when nothing is built on it? Can one continue to pay long lease?

10. Can government reclaim the land after the long lease has expired? If yes then what happens to the building or structure on the land?



cc: Members of Parliament