MP Pantophlet Questions Minister of Finance Hiro Shigemoto

MP Pantophlet sent a letter posing questions to Minister of Finance Hiro Shigemoto on February 21st 2012: 

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drs. Gracita Arrindell

President of Parliament

Parliament Building


St. Maarten

February 21, 2012

Dear Madam President,

The Undersigned George Pantophlet Member of Parliament through you would like to submit the following questions to Minister of Finance Hiro Shigemoto. These questions are regarding a response to the Member of Parliament concerning the Budget of the Corporate Governance Council. The Minister had stated that some queries were made to the Corporate Governance Council but he did not receive a response.

1. To whom and when did government make these queries?

2. How were these queries made verbally or in written form?

3. If they were made verbally to whom were they made?

4. If they were done in written form to whom were they made and can we please be provided with a copy?

5. If a copy cannot be provided then why not?




cc: Members of Parliament