U.S. hurricane forecasters on preparedness mission in St.Maarten

The NOAA and the U.S. Air Force Reserve  landed on St.Maarten on March 15th 2012 and was open to the public on March 16th 2012.

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Present for the 1st viewing & tour of the aircraft was Prime Minister Sarah Wescott-Williams, Minister of Finance Mr. Hiro Shigemoto and Minister of Health Mr. Cornelius DeWeever.

John Talbit, Lt. Col. Sean Pierce, 53rd WRS director of operations, U.S. National Hurricane Center Director Bill Read;

Minister of Finance Mr.Hiro Shigemoto




Minister of Health Mr.Cornelius DeWeever












John Talbit, Lt. Col. Sean Pierce, 53rd WRS director of operations, U.S. National Hurricane Center Director Bill Read; Senior Hurricane Specialist Lixion Avila; Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch meteorologist Gladys Rubio; and Air Force Reservists from the 53rdWeather Reconnaissance Squadron (WRS), 403rdWing, Keesler Air Force Base educated residents of vulnerable communities about hurricane preparedness. Tours of the Air Force Reserve Command’s WC-130J "Hurricane Hunter" offered an opportunity to learn how scientists collect hurricane information.

NOAA’s National Weather Service is the primary source of weather data, forecasts and warnings for the United States and its territories. NOAA’s National Weather Service operates the most advanced weather and flood warning and forecast system in the world, helping to protect lives and property and enhance the national economy. Working with partners, NOAA’s National Weather Service is building a Weather-Ready Nation to support community resilience in the face of increasing vulnerability to extreme weather. Visit us online at www.weather.gov and on Facebook.

On the Web:

NOAA National Hurricane Center: http://www.hurricanes.gov  

403rd Wing/53rdWeather Reconnaissance Squadron: http://www.403wg.afrc.af.mil/

Weather-Ready Nation: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/com/weatherreadynation/

Ready.gov: http://www.ready.gov/