Voice of Our Children to launch video sessions, forums in schools

The Voice of Our Children Foundation (VOOC) is setting out to educate the island’s youth through positive videos, lectures and forums.  

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The format of this project will see video sessions in the schools with discussion forums. With the increase in violent acts in the community committed by the youth, and their involvement in other unhealthy social behaviours, VOOC says it recognizes the need for personal and social development in the island’s young population.

Throughout the duration of the project, VOOC will schedule visits to Elementary and Secondary schools in an effort to reach the students through discussion forums and showing various videos that address a wide range of social and moral topics. These will include among others, Bullying, Crime, HIV/AIDS, Peer Pressure, Aiming High, Conflict Resolution, Fighting Violence, and others.

Teachers and counsellors will be provided with instructional materials (videos, posters) that they can use to promote adopting positive social behaviour and interaction with others. Through viewing these videos and engaging in discussion forums, it is the intention that students become better informed about these social and moral topics, and will be able to make informed choices about issues they encounter.

It is also the intention that this initiative will assist with creating a positive and purposeful climate characterized by mutual respect and trust in schools. Also that young people start to demonstrate self-discipline in their interactions with others; become protective and respectful to one another, and show understanding and empathy towards one another.

Minister of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, Dr. Rhoda Arrindell, who had received a delegation of VOOC, was full of praise for the initiative and expressed her full support for the efforts of the group.

"I am particularly happy that young people have begun to take on the challenge of addressing issues that affect them directly and doing so in a positive and creative way that would impact their peers," the Minister stated.

"While we express so much concern about the direction our young people are taking, we must also recognize the positive things they are doing. I always stress that for every young boy or girl who goes astray, there is some parent or adult who failed to do a good job raising them."

"Voice of Our Children Foundation has in fact become a voice to be reckoned with and I wholeheartedly endorse their efforts," Minister Arrindell added.

She thanked the group for presenting her with a beautiful plaque for all the support she has given them thus far and urged them not to relent in their efforts to be agents of positive change in our society, especially where young people are concerned.

"St. Martin needs more of you," the Minister said.