Vital meeting for bands, calypsonians on Thursday

The St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF) is inviting all registered musical bands and calypsonians for Carnival 2012 to a meeting on Thursday, February 2. The SCDF is urging all bands and calypsonians to attend to receive vital information pertaining to various competitions.


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The meeting be two-fold, with the calypsonians from 7:00pm to 8:00pm followed by the bands from 8:00pm until 9:00pm. The meeting will be held at the Government Administration Building.

"Every Carnival we adjust certain things here and there based on Feedback from the stakeholders themselves. Besides that, before the start of every season we make it a priority to meet with all stakeholders in every facet of Carnival to ensure that everyone is one the same page as we move forward. This year is no different," President of the SCDF Stuart Johnson said.

Johnson said the meeting dates and times for other areas of Carnival will be announced at a later date.