Trumpet corps CD’s for Island Governors

In January of this year Island Governor Jonathon Johnson of Saba made a request to the brigade commander of the Royal Marechaussee Caribbean Netherlands (CKMAR) to see whether a cd could be recorded by the KMAR Trumpertcorps with the national songs of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. This was a long cherished wish of the three Island Governors Glenn Thode (Bonaire), Jonathon Johnson (Saba) and Gerald Berkel (St. Eustatius).


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With permission and support of the KMAR Caribbean Netherlands, the request was submitted to bandmaster Erik Janssen, who together with his corps took on the challenge in a very professional manner. The Trumpet corps of the Royal Marechaussee has recorded and published the three national songs on CD. For some reason it took the necessary time and effort, however the result was achieved. Complete with a booklet about the history of the three islands, the brigade commander Caribbean Netherlands, Willy Mennen, recently presented the cd’s to the Island Governors.