UTS contributes to St. Maarten’s Day Celebration in Holland

UTS contributed € 2000 to the planned St. Maarten’s Day celebration which will be held on Holland on November 11th 2011.

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The celebration is the initiative of the cabinet of the Prime Minister and the intention is that a feeling of togetherness and love of country is created among St. Maarteners living in the Netherlands. In addition the presence of the Cabinet in the Hague will also be promoted amongst attendees. ‘We are happy to be able to support the initiative of the cabinet as this creates a closer bond amongst St. Maarteners abroad’ states UTS Marketing and Communications Officer, Ivy Lambert. ‘We commend the organizers for putting together this celebration. When living abroad, nothing reminds you more of home and your roots than meeting with your fellow countrymen and women to celebrate on a special occasion such as St. Maarten’s Day.’