Work Visit of BT&P, Paris & Den Haag

Representatives of Bureau Telecommunications and Post St. Maarten traveled to Paris and Den Haag for introductory meetings with representatives of French and Dutch Telecommunication regulators for open discussions on general topics such as: cooperation, spectrum and numbering matters.

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The meeting with the French counter parts had a strong focus on cooperation with regards to spectrum monitoring, allocation and allotment. The meetings with the Dutch counter parts and representatives of the Ministry of Economic Affairs where more focused on: numbering matters, (due to the impending migration to North American Numbering Plan), division of codes for telecom and maritime industries and cooperation as it relates to legislation, policy and practical execution of agreements.

BTP representatives also met with OPTA, the Telecommunications Regulatory body of the Netherlands to establish cooperation and support in the areas of numbering administration, Internet safety, and consumer affairs.

A meeting was also conducted with GOVCERT.NL, the Cyber Security and Incident Response Team of the government of the Netherlands. In this meeting support and cooperation in the establishment of a Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) for St. Maarten were discussed.

Interim director of Bureau Telecommunication and Post, Mrs. Peggy-Ann Brandon summarized these meetings as: "being informative with an open exchange of views. The basis has being created for close and substantive cooperation between parties aiming at overall improvement of Telecommunications on the island and between the islands".