Arrindell Receives 2010 Annual Report from General Audit Chamber

Chairman of the General Audit Chamber Roland Tuitt along with Acting Secretary General Joane Dovale-Meit on Tuesday presented their 24-page 2010 Annual Report to President of Parliament drs. Gracita Arrindell. 

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The presentation was done in accordance with article 38 of the National Ordinance for the General Audit Chamber which says the former should present its annual report no later than July 1 to Parliament.

The annual report is written in both official languages of English and Dutch. Some of the topics covered in the report are: position within the country status; operations 2010; government finance; and looking forward.

"I am very pleased that the General Audit Chamber is doing its utmost to present on time its annual report according to the law. 

"The various institutions of our Government system are demonstrating that we are up to the tasks and everything is being done to adhere to the laws of the land.

"I would like to congratulate the board of the Audit Chamber on the compilation of their report. On behalf of Parliament, we are looking forward to working closely with the General Audit Chamber.

"We must use the past functioning of the General Audit Chamber of the Netherlands Antilles to improve on the work processes where Sint Maarten comes out on top with one of the best functioning institutions in the Kingdom," President of Parliament Arrindell said on Tuesday.

Chairman of the Audit Chamber Roland Tuitt stated that he is looking forward to a good working relationship with Parliament. 

He added that he will be looking at establishing a structural meeting schedule with the President of Parliament with respect to advising on compliance, control and supervisory roles as well as goals and objectives of investigations.

A meeting is planned for August where the General Audit Chamber will inform the President of Parliament about two investigations it plans to carry out.

The annual report was registered with the Parliamentary Secretariat as an incoming document and distributed to Members of Parliament.

The other members of the board of the General Audit Chamber are: Ronald Halman, Alphons Gumbs, and replacement members Mark Kortenoever and Daniel Hassell.