Member of Parliament George Pantophlet Says Persons Are ”Missing the mark”

Member of Parliament George Pantophlet says that the persons who are expressing negative opinions and suggestions against the proposal by the Faction of the National Alliance to make some amendments in Book 7 of the civil code to stop the abuse of short term contracts are missing the mark.


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What they should be focused on is the creating of a working environment where productivity and the feeling of humanitarian rights in the labor market can be increased and the name of the friendly island restored to its former glory. He says that he understands quite well that there has to be a Balance between employers and employees. Many businesses are going through some difficult financial times, some might have to cut staff or even close but this does not take away from the fact that employees must be treated in a humane manner. The Member of Parliament says that he does not hear any complaints from these persons and institutions on the fact that there are employers who don’t issue pay slips, He does not hear these persons or institutions complain about employers who don’t pay svb. He does not hear complaints about employers who don’t pay wage tax, he does not hear complaints about employers who fail to adhere to the laws of the land. He does not hear these persons or Institutions complain about the abuse of the people when they go to some business establishments where on the shelf one price is on the item and when you get to the cashier the price has been increased. He does not here complaints from these persons and institutions about wholesalers who are selling expired goods to some retailers who in turn sell them to the unsuspecting public? Do you know what this is doing to your health? Of course the call would be that Parliament has to change certain laws to address this abuse. I do understand that departments are understaffed. What must happen is that government should to start enforcing the existing laws. The abuse of the short term contract is creating a fertile environment for crime. If you are not covered by medical insurance it means you have to use the little income to pay a doctor, it means not having enough to put food on the table, it means frustration and anger which translates into violence. This can lead to all out crime. So to those of you who are saying that trying to stop the abuse of the short term contract will hurt tourism our one pillar economy you are missing the mark.