Yvette’s cookbook as “hottest cultural item,” presented to ministers

From Yvette’s Kitchen To Your Table by Yvette Hyman continues to make the rounds as "the nation’s hottest cultural item," said HNP president Jacqueline Sample.


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Leading bookstores Van Dorp and Shipwreck have been selling out the cookbook more than once a week since publisher HNP launched it here three weeks ago before an audience of some 250 people, said Sample.

Tourists continue to trek to Yvette’s Restaurant to get their own copies, said Yvette’s son Bobby. The representatives of Yvette’s cookbook are already inquiring about a second printing. There is online chatter about husbands and wives competing in the kitchen over the recipes.

Young people leaving home for college have a new book of recipes of how to cook their island’s fast foods and traditional dishes – "and share St. Martin cuisine with new friends and colleagues," said Sample. Can anybody say, "bestseller"?

No wonder the Prime Minister and other government ministers were all smiles on Wednesday. Following their weekly media briefing at the AC Wathey Legislative Hall (6/23/11), The colorful Yvette’s cookbook was presented to the Council of Ministers by Jewel Daal, daughter of the author and herself a cooking instructor.

The St. Maarten government contributed to the cookbook’s publishing because of what tourism director Regina LaBega said was the project’s "heritage and tourism" value.