Delegation of 25 To Attend Caribbean Toastmasters Conference

Area Governor CC/CL Emilia Thomas will lead a delegation of 25 St. Maarten Toastmasters at the next District 81 Caribbean Toastmasters Conference, which will be hosted in Tortola, Virgin Islands from May 20-22, 2011. The May conference slogan, "Your Voice: the Tool of Choice", will offer an opportune educational experience combined with the camaraderie and fun networking with other aspiring Caribbean professionals and leaders, the Area Governor remarked. On Friday, May 20th the conference commences with an array of workshops and trainings on proven methods of for communicating. Day 1 will culminate in the Conference Opening Ceremony.  

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On Saturday, May 21, delegates will continue to actively participate in additional workshops centered on Leadership and team building at which St. Maarten’s Toastmaster ACG Sinatra Rouse will be a presenter. These sessions will be followed by the business meeting at which pertinent matters relating to all clubs representing the District 81 will be addressed. The highlight of Saturday’s agenda will be the Table Topics Speech- and the International Speech Contest. St. Maarten’s Toastmaster CC Malcolm Jacques will vie for the coveted Table Topics Contest, competing with other Toastmasters from the region in this category. Day 2 will culminate in an Installation Banquet, at which International Director DTM Dave Hollingshead, will be the featured speaker.

"Toastmasters have a proven process to help people become better speakers, leaders, and communicators. Besides weekly club meetings, part of that process is attending the spring and fall conferences which offers high value workshops and trainings", the Area Governor said.

The delegation is scheduled to depart on Thursday, May 19th and return on Sunday, May 22nd 2011. "We are looking forward to yet another wonderful toastmasters experience and the splendor of Tortola together with our fellow Toastmasters from as far as Guyana, the United States of America and Toastmasters representing most of the Caribbean islands", the Area Governor concluded.