United Peoples (UP) party Member of Parliament (MP) Jules James on Sunday said he was very pleased with the turnout to the Town Hall meeting last week Thursday that attracted approximately 100 persons.
The Town Hall Meeting held at Carl’s Unique Inn Conference Room was organized by the Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Development, Environment and Infrastructure.
MP James made some opening remarks and assured residents of Cole Bay and Cape Bay that they have someone in parliament who will look out for their districts and that much more was in the pipeline for the areas.
"The Government’s central focus is about improving the quality of life for residents in their districts. There are many quality of life issues that impact our daily lives. Infrastructure is one of them. Neighborhoods need to be strong, attractive and thriving.
"The main road will be resurfaced starting from the Kruijthoff round-a-bout all the way down to Welfare road to Wellington and Wigley roads. Proper water drainage culverts will be constructed.
"The cemetery will be cleaned and maintained and plans are being worked on to include parking. Installation of additional lighting and paving of certain streets will result in gravel and stones being left on the main road after rainfall a thing of the past.
"The UP Leader Hon. Minister for Infrastructure Theo Heyliger is also busy with plans for a neighborhood community center. Plans related to this will be released at a subsequent Town Hall meeting," MP Jules James disclosed.
Issues addressed in the meeting by residents in attendance were sewage water at Wyoming road; falling light pole by Theophilis A. Kruijthoff drive; immediate repairs of potholes on the Orange Grove road; water and sewage issues on different streets during and after rain fall which will be looked into on a case by case basis.
"The issues that residents brought forward are key to building a strong and thriving community. Government is now able to build on the discussions relayed to it from persons who live and work in their neighborhoods.
"Community Councils also have an important role to play and we need to give them incentives in order to bring back community spirit. They need to have greater control over what happens in their neighborhood. They can inspire communities and this is the direction where we need to head," MP Jules James said on Sunday.