Caribserve holds IT info session on new WiMax 4G service


UTS-Caribserve hosted an information session on Wednesday, informing specifically the IT sector of the island on the enhancements in service that the newly launched WiMax 4G service of the Caribserve division of the company.

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‘This session is specifically intended to inform experts in the IT field of what our WiMax 4G service will offer them’ says UTS Marketing and Communications Officer, Ivy Lambert. ‘The purpose of the session was to offer specialized information to those customers who require more in-depth information than the regular household internet user. Armed with this extra information they are then able to market their services or utilize existing infrastructures optimally.’ The well-attended session was hosted by Sebasien Niclausse, IP and Infrastructure Manager of Caribserve. Along with Caribserve field technicians he answered questions regarding the compayny’s newest broadband service.

Wimax 4G by Caribserve is UTS’s newest service, offering broadband internet connectivity over a wireless network. Currently the network covers 60% of the island. Phase 2 of the network expansion, which is already underway, will include the remaining areas of the Dutch side and is expected to be completed by August 1st 2011. Phase 3, which will entail expansion of WiMAX 4G to the French side of St. Martin, is expected to commence in the 3rd quarter of 2011. WiMAX 4G by CaribServe is currently available in the following areas on Dutch St. Maarten: Cupecoy, Maho, Beacon Hill, Airport, Simpson Bay, Pelican, Cole Bay, Cul-de-Sac, Philipsburg, Pointe Blanche, Madame Estate and Sucker Garden.