Test joint control at PJIA by Airport Immigration/ SPAF/ Marechausse

After consultation with the Minister of Justice Mr. Roland Duncan and the Chief of Police Chiefcommisioner Peter de Witte, a joint border control was held at the Princes Juliana International Airport between the Airport Immigration Officers, the S.P.A.F. of the French Side ( Service Police Aux Frontiers) and the Royal Marechausse. 

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This control was a test to evaluate what the effect of this type of control would be. Each department was represented by two officers.

This joint control took place a Wednesday March 2nd 2011 2011. A high risk flight coming to the PJIA on that day at 05.00 p.m. was controled by these officers. All persons on that flight had their documents in order and was allowed to enter the island.

Representing the KMAR 1st. Lt. E. de Ruiter, 1st sgt. S. Den Hertog, 1st sgt. S. van Brienen.
Representing the SPAF Capitain Gully, Chef Allain, Brigadier Raphael Ratie
Repesenting the Airport Imm. Officer 1st class Rignald Gressman, Offier 1st class Lisa Harrigan.
Supervisor : Chief Inspector Geronimo Juliet.
This control was a success.