Routes Award Winning

Marketing personnel of PJIAE, beautifully clad in folkloristic clothing, went out of their way to give passengers a warm welcome Saturday. The airport company said "Thank You" to passengers and airlines for winning the Routes Airport Marketing Award. Musicians entertained passengers and workers handed out tokens of appreciation to arriving and departing passengers. The terminal building had been decorated for the occasion.  


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PJIA on Tuesday February 15th came out as overall winner in the category South Central Americas & Caribbean, during the annual Routes conference that was wrapped up on Tuesday February 15th in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The airport had been nominated for the award by airlines that service St. Maarten; the airport’s marketing activities, the marketing research, its joint communication campaigns with third parties, and its innovative use of technologies or techniques to support airlines.

Mr. Larry Donker, PJIAE’s Interim Managing Director, who was on hand to greet arriving passengers Saturday, explained that the intention was to show gratitude to the airport’s. "While we’re ecstatic about our win we cannot lose sight of who helped us achieve this feat, so we’re showing appreciation to passengers, workers and partners," said Mr. Donker.

Princess Juliana International Airport Operating Company NV

Simpson Bay, St. Maarten

Mr. L. Donker

Interim Managing Director