Teenager arrested for weapon possession

On Tuesday February 15th at approximately 02.45 p.m. a patrol of the 0-tolerance team was sent to Milton Peters College where four suspicious men were seen coming out of black vehicle and went to sit under a tree in front of that school. 

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The information also contained the fact that one of these suspects were in possession of a fire arm. On the scene the patrol encountered the men in question and conducted a search. During the search of a 16 year old teenager with the initials J.L. a black air pistol fell to the ground. This weapon was immediately confiscated by the investigating officers. The other suspects with the initials D.R, K.H., M.D. and D.R all from the French Side of the island could not properly identify themselves in accordance with law and were taken to the police station to have their identity verified. According to J.L. he has had some problem with some other youngsters in the past and was walking this pistol for protection. This case in being investigated.