The loss of some-one close and dear to us is never easy to accept and though we were aware that Prime Minister David Thompson had been ailing for some time, his passing is unsettling for all.
Mr. Thompson’s untimely death is a great loss, not only for Barbados but also for the entire Caribbean region.
An attorney at law and politician, his was a life of service. He served his clients and more broadly, he served the people of Barbados and the wider Caribbean.
At only 48 years of age, in the prime of his life, it was natural to expect that he would have had many more years with us. Many more years to carry out his work and many more years to be of service to people.
But, alas, it was not to be.
Mr. Thompson became Prime Minister of Barbados in January 2008 and now, less than three years later he is no later with us.
Yet during that short space of time, he made worthwhile contributions to his country and to the Caribbean.
He respected others and that in turn earned him respect.
Country Sint Maarten came into being on October 10 this year. That, unfortunately, denied us the opportunity of being in contact with Mr. Thompson.
The Prime Minister, the Government and the people of Country Sint Maarten express sincere condolences to his wife, Mara, and his children as well as to the Government and people of Barbados.
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.
From the Revelation of St. John (21:4)
Prime Minister Sint Maarten