22 Fire Fighters Undergo Training and Upgrade of Skills


Twenty-two fire fighters this week will conclude their two-week training exercise in emergency techniques, according to Section Head Prevention, Preparation, and Education & Training of the Fire Department ing. Silvanico Pauletta.

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At the end of the course, the participants will receive a diploma "Manschappen A- Hulpverlening," which is recognized within the Kingdom of the Netherlands and is part of the standardized rescue techniques testing within the Kingdom.

The exam is according to the curriculum of the Dutch Fire Department Exams Board (NBBe).

On September 6 personnel of the Fire Department started a two-week training course related to emergency rescue. The course allowed the personnel to be tested with respect to their existing skills and how they handle their personal safety.

Within the two-week period, the fire personnel have covered exercises in motor vehicle accidents (stabilizing of the incident); rescuing persons from buildings with structural damage caused by an earthquake or persons trapped under a tree and teamwork.

The personnel have been taught how to use their skills and equipment during natural disasters and weather related-emergencies.

Sessions have also been held between the different operational leaders of the emergency services in order to better coordinate the emergency response during an incident.

This upgrade comes at an opportune time at the height of the hurricane season where fire fighters need to be prepared to deal with any eventuality.

A theoretical and practical exam is part of the course. The course is part of the training cycle 2010, which has been organized by the Fire Department and its counter-part, twinning partner, the Fire Department from the Dutch Municipality of Dordrecht.