Election Address to Country St. Maarten by Acting Governor Reynold Groeneveldt


My fellow St. Maarteners,

On Friday, September 17, 2010; the elections for a 15-member Island Council which will later become the first Parliament of Country St. Maarten, will take place. Polling stations will be open from 8 o’clock in the morning until 7 o’clock in the evening.

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The Executive Council has designated 16 polling stations, at which voters may cast their ballots.

It is important that persons exercise their democratic rights to cast their vote on Friday, September 17.

Allow me; to use this occasion, to call on all eligible voters to come out on Friday upcoming and cast their vote, together we determine the future course of St. Maarten, at this most important time in our history. You will be electing the first Parliament for Country St. Maarten. This is a historical moment and everyone eligible to vote should be part of this very important process.

In accordance with article 40 of the Voters Regulation (Publication Sheet 1979, No. 2, as amended), every employer is obliged to provide his or her employee, who is eligible to vote on Friday, September 17, 2010, at least four (4) consecutive hours off from work, between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m., in order for that employee to cast his or her vote.

This obligation does not apply if the employee has four (4) consecutive hours off from work, within the hours in which he or she can cast his or her vote.

In some districts the number of voters have been reduced. I therefore urge all persons eligible to vote in the upcoming elections, to carefully look at their voting cards, before election day, and to acquaint themselves with the polling station in their respective district, at which they will be expected to cast their votes as in some cases this may have changed.

Be absolutely sure where you have to go and vote, especially if you are new to the area, if you have never voted at that specific polling station before or if you are a first time voter.

Voters should be in the possession of a valid ID card, a valid passport or a valid driver’s license, and their voting card when going to the polls. At each polling station there is a President of the voting bureau who is in charge of the polling station. Voters must at all times follow the instructions of the President of the polling station. On entering the polling station the voter must identify him or herself by means of a valid identification document. A voting ballot will then be issued to the individual. The voter must then proceed to cast their vote behind the curtain and finally place the fold ballot into the silver bin in the center of the polling station before exiting the room. 

All voters must strictly confirm the articles of law pertaining to the elections. Article 134 of the penal code of the Netherlands Antilles states: "he who intentionally impersonates another person, and participates in a legally prescribed election, is punished with a prison term of a maximum of one (1) year". The general public is also requested to take note of article 131 of aforementioned penal code, which states:

‘He who, during a legally prescribed election, obstructs a person from casting his vote, freely and unhindered, is punished with a prison term of a maximum of one (1) year".

Although no order to prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages was issued. I am requesting the general public and businesses respect these regulations and prevent the excess sale of alcoholic beverages, prior to, during and just after the elections.

Government cannot legislate or do not intend to obstruct any one from consuming alcoholic beverages; but limiting the use of alcohol contributes in safeguarding the safety of our community and creating an environment, wherein all eligible voters may, in a quiet orderly and sober manner, cast their vote, after a solemn period of reflection and meditation.

As is also usually, the case, some party supporters would be in a more jubilant mood, on election night, once election results are in favor of their respective party. Again we urge all persons to conduct themselves in an orderly fashion and at all times respect and adhere to the instruction of the Police and other law enforcement officials.

So, in the interest of maintaining law and order and safeguarding security for the general public, it is also deemed prudent not to provide opportunities for the sale of alcoholic beverage, during this time as well.

The taking of photographs with (camera phones, video cameras) inside of polling stations is not allowed especially at the time the voter enters the polling station. Cellular phones must be turned off prior to entering the polling stations and must remain turned off during the period of time while the voter is in the polling station.

Concerning election night itself: I, as chairman of the Main Voting Bureau, will be releasing the results of votes cast at the polling stations, as soon as these are received and the numbers are tallied. The customary way of doing so is with the assistance of the G.I.S. during live simultaneous broadcast via St. Maarten Cable TV special events channel 20 and local radio stations. As usual the Election Watch program will also be present too provide the viewers and listeners with background information, analysis and commentary on the results of the elections.

In closing I urge all voters to make use of their democratic right and to participate in these very important elections to elect and Island Council of 15 members which will become the First Parliament of Country St. Maarten. I wish all parties participating in this election all the best and I expect that we will have a safe and orderly election as is the customary here on our beautiful Island St. Maarten.

Ladies and gentlemen I thank you.

May God Bless St. Maarten