International Tech Experts Tackle Network Security

Securing corporate and government networks is the focus of discussion on the third day of the Caribbean Network Operators Group 1st Regional Meeting currently underway at the Westin Dawn Beach Resort and Spa in St. Maarten. 

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Experts from the United States, New Zealand, Argentina and Mexico join their Caribbean counterparts to discuss technical topics relevant to securing and maintaining critical internet infrastructure.

Mr Bevil Wooding, program director for CaribNOG, said in opening the historic first regional gathering of the group in St Maarten, "CaribNOG fills a very critical void in the region’s technology landscape." He added, "The group provides a much needed forum for technology practitioners to exchange ideas and experiences."

This forum which targets local and regional technology enthusiasts has already provided fertile ground for insightful discussions and hands on training. Regional and international experts will tackle topics ranging from the requirements for establishing a Caribbean Security Incident Response Team to securing networks based on the popular Linux operating system.

Matt Ryanczak, Network Operations Manager at the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) is in St Maarten specifically for the event to share ARIN’s experience in deploying the new network protocol know as IPv6.

Ryanczak’s session will be done jointly with another highly regarded network expert Mark Kosters, the Chief Technology Officer at ARIN. Kosters will share his insight on the impending run out of IPv4 and 2byte AS numbers that will occur in the near future.

Stephen Lee, spokesman for CaribNOG said "We are extremely pleased to have Mark and Matt here to share their extensive experience. ARIN’s contribution to CaribNOG, along with tech research non-profit Packet Clearing House, will enhance the capacity of the region’s network administrators in addressing security-related concerns related to IPv6 deployment and help overcome the common challenges."

The 5 day CaribNOG meeting is part of the St Maarten ICT Week program of activities and targets the local and regional technology community. All activities during the St. Maarten ICT Week are open to the public at no cost.

The CaribNOG 1st Regional Meeting is being held in conjunction with the Caribbean ICT Roadshow. Details can be found at

About CaribNOG

The Caribbean Network Operators Group (CaribNOG) is a rich community of Network Operators dedicated to exchanging technical information and experiences related to the management of IP networks in the Caribbean region.

CaribNOG collaborates with the regional and international organisations and stakeholders to facilitate capacity building and professional networking activities. Initiatives are delivered in several forms including technical workshops, seminars, research-papers and of course, our annual meeting.

About ARIN
The American Registry for Internet Numbers, the nonprofit corporation that manages the distribution of all Internet number resources, including IPv4, IPv6, and ASNs.