St. Martin Pony League players getting ready for to the Rouen Open in France

St. Martin Pony League players getting ready for to the Rouen Open in France, Goodwill Games in Argentina and Caribbean Zone Games in Panama and Bahamas.  

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The St. Martin Pony League players are undergoing a very busy month of traveling for baseball. Many of the league players have been selected by the French Baseball Federation Manager during his tryout session that was conducted on St.Martin. These Pony League players along with the other French St. Martin ball players will now get the opportunity of a life time to form part of the French Baseball National Selection. During these games in Rouen all the good youth baseball players of St. Martin will be coming together in defense of their country. It is expected that Morvin Beauperthuy and Son will be in same line up defending St. Martin.

The Rouen Open is schedule to start on July 12, 2010 . Most players will be returning on July 19,2010 while some players – if selected for the French National Team – will go on to play the European Classic as a French National player.

In other Pony League related news Felix Brown will be traveling as a selected player of the USAAI college team to Amsterdam. These games were previously scheduled for Argentina but since the earthquake has changed venue. After the Goodwill Games Felix will also be traveling to Rouen, France to play for the French St. Martin team. Demitry Beauperthuy and Omar Williams will also travel from Florida to France to form part of the team. Later down in the month the St. Martin Pony League will be traveling to attend the Pony Caribbean Zone Youth Baseball Tournament in Bahamas and Panama.