DP Responds to NA

In response to Councilman George Pantophlet’s release on Wednesday, the Democratic Party sent in the following letter to Island Councilman Mr.George Pantophlet. 

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St. Maarten, July 1, 2010

DP’s Dear George letter:

We agree: the DP wrote the book. (On running an island, that is). Unfortunately neither you, nor your NA colleagues have taken the time to read it! Your press release of July 1, 2010 was an eye opener. Your NA government has been in office for more than 1 year now (and we all know how you got there)and still cannot get the 2010 budget right. Who to blame? Not the DP! On June 18th 2009 the NA government promised the people a governing program by June 29th 2009. A year later we are still waiting. Who to blame? Not the DP! The NA government had to deal with the GEBE concession. Nottin’ t’all go so! Who to blame? Not the DP! The NA government promised to deal with the new garbage collection contracts. It has not happened yet. Who to blame? Not the DP! The NA government had to deal with the agreement for the homes in Hope Estate. That too has not happened yet. Who to blame? Not the DP! The NA government had to appoint new members to the board of PJIAE NV as per January 1, 2010. No new members yet. Who’s to blame? Not the DP! The NA government had to appoint new members to the board of TELEM. No new Board members there either. Who to blame? Not DP! The NA government had to vote against the motion of no confidence against NA appointed Commissioner of Finance Blackman. Oops, apparently your leader was sleeping during the meeting, while every other member of the coalition including yourself sat idly by and enjoyed letting the motion pass UNANIMOUSLY! Who to blame? Not the DP! Xavier Blackman now has the distinction of being the only sitting Commissioner in the history of the Island Territory with a motion of No-Confidence passed against him by the entire Island council, including his own party faction! Who to blame? Not the DP! The NA Commissioners Frans and Hyacinth announce NA Government’s major role in churches and proudly proclaim there will be no church/state separation. Who to blame? Not the DP! Not one project completed by the NA Government to date is a National Alliance project. All were initiated, planned and started by the DP. So, dear George, you should really stop blaming the DP and may we recommend that you take the time to read the book.


Michael J. Ferrier, President