5 Young Professionals join Ministry VSA


Commissioner Hyacinth Richardson and Acting Secretary General Jorien Wuite have successfully recruited 5 skilled personnel to join the team of Public Health and Social Affairs, effectively enhancing the nation’s human resources in preparation for country status.

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The newly appointed staff members are Ms. Sharon Arnell, Ms. Eva de Weever, Mr. Cliff Pinedo of Public Health, Ms. Joy Halman, Ms. Vernel Paul of Social Affairs and Ms. Rose Fleming of Social Development.

All persons have varied educational backgrounds and professional experience. The new team members have indicated that they are pleased to be contributing to the development of St. Maarten.

Ms. Sharon Arnell has a Bachelors Degree in two fields and will work to ensure affordable and accessible quality health care for all citizens.

Ms. Eva de Weever has distinguished herself as an Epidemiologist with vast experience in investigating epidemics and outbreaks of diseases.

In a statement released to the Government Information Service (GIS) Ms. de Weever indicated that she has always been very passionate about Public Health and looks forward to meeting and exchanging ideas with her peers.

Mr. Cliff Pinedo with a background in medicine and insurance joined Public Health in May as a Policy worker and Project leader of the National Health Insurance, who will further develop and structure the National Health Insurance for all citizens to be implemented in the near future.


"The Commissioner stated after a photo op with all persons earlier this week that he is pleased to have accomplished this important step to not only improve the service of Public Health, but also to offer young professionals the opportunity to shape the course of St. Maarten."

Ms. Joy Halman and Ms. Vernel Paul commenced working at the department in May and indicated that they are very pleased to be working with the clients on a one on one basis.

Ms. Rose Fleming officially started in May 2010 and is currently functioning as Project Coordinator and Policy Developer. One of her main responsibilities is to start supervising the project process for implementing a new pension scheme for Country St. Maarten.

"Ms. Fleming stated to GIS that the project will open new doors for the country in regards to our pension schemes."

It is important now more than ever that we are able to tap into the experience and knowledge of our young professionals considering our future participation in International Conventions.

The commissioner stated quite candidly that "no one is overqualified for this government, persons are simply qualified."