Vehicular traffic flow relief in high density school area to resume in August


The Control Unit of the Island Government will resume vehicular traffic flow relief in the high density school area of Saunders, St. Peters and South Reward when classes resume in August.

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Section Head of the Control Unit Floyd Skeete told the Government Information Service (GIS) that the exercise to enhance the flow of traffic coming out of the high density area has been successful.

"I would like to thank motorists for their adherence to the rules of the road when driving through a high density school area. Due to the involvement of the inspectors, there have been less traffic incidents.

"The Control unit will continue with their traffic policing in the new school year and we look forward to the continued cooperation of all motorists. Our primary goal is safe roads," Skeete told the GIS on Wednesday.

Control unit inspectors would be placed at strategic intersections such as the crossing of Zagersgut and Coralita road, the crossing at L.B. Scot road and Gladiola road and near the entrance to the Sint Maarten Academy.

Inspectors start off from 6.30am and work through up to 8.00am from Monday to Friday from the beginning of the school year to when classes close for the summer recess.

The main objective of the traffic flow relief initiative is to improve and manage traffic flow, and assist with the safety of pedestrians.

Skeete and his staff would like to wish all the school kids and their parents as well as school management and teaching staff, happy summer holidays.