Police Report: Robbery suspect shot by police


On Tuesday June 29th at approximately 01.40 a.m. several police patrols were directed to Jogesh Parfumes on Front street where at least two robbers were busy breaking into the establishment via the roof.

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Immediately the store was surrounded by police and a search to arrest the suspects began. During the investigation on the scene the officers noticed that the suspects had gained access by cutting a hole through the zinc-plates on the roof. They also realised that on their arrival the suspects were still in the building. While on the roof one suspect stuck his head through the opening of the roof and he was arrested immediately by the police. The second suspect who was told several times to exit the building refused to do so. Shortly after the second suspect decided to exit the building but when putting him under arrest he grabbed the weapon of one the officers, trying to take it away from him. During the struggle for the weapon a shot went off wounding the suspect in his upper right arm. This suspect was also arrested on the spot. He was attended to by the paramedics and then taken to the Sint Maarten Medical Center for further treatment. After treatment the suspect was released in police custody. A sum of money along with equipment used to break into the building were confiscated. The suspects with the initials A.R. and M.B. both from Sint Maarten will remain in custody for further investigation. A possible third suspect has also been arrested in this case for further investigation.