Draft Police for Student Care in the Public School completed

After two months of hard work by all Public Schools Care Team Members, teachers, Education Officials of the Department of Education and DERPI, with the assistance of drs. Kurt Schoop consultant from UNU the draft Policy for Student Care in the Public Schools is completed.  

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On Tuesday June 22, 2010 all members of the Care Teams in the Public schools came together at the Ruby Labega School to receive the completed draft copy of the Policy for Student Care in the Public Schools. Drs. Kurt Schoop, contracted to assist and guide the process of developing the policy, presented to all Public School Care Team members the final draft copy of the Student Care Policy for Public Schools.

The position of Student Care Coordinator was introduced with the implementation of Foundation Based Education in the primary schools. The Student Care Coordinator represents one of the internal support structure within Foundation Based Education and the main role of the Student Care Coordinator is to monitor and guide the holistic development of every student in the schools.

Another task of the Student Care Coordinator, together with staff and school management, was to develop a Student Care Policy for their schools. At the beginning of this year, DERPI received a request from Public Education asking for assistance in writing a Student Care policy for Public Education.

DERPI then contracted drs. Kurt Schoop to provide guidance and assistance to the Public School Care Teams in executing this tasks. The Care Teams of all Public Schools, Department of Education officials and officials from DERPI met with drs. Kurt Schoop on two separate occasions to work on the document. After two intense sessions and ongoing emails between school teams, Dept. of Education officials DERPI, and the consultant, all information was compiled into a draft and presented to the Management of the Department of Education on Monday June 21st 2010.

Management of the Department of Education also submitted their contribution to the policy by giving comments and suggestions for improvements. The changes were made and on Tuesday afternoon, June 22, the final draft was ready and presented to the Care Team Members.

The draft policy will be sent with an advice to the Executive Council for approval.

DERPI would like to thank, drs. Kurt Schoop, all student care team members, management of the Department of Education, DERPI officials, who have contributed towards the completion of the draft Policy for Student Care in the Public Schools.

This project has been financed by USONA with Dutch Development Funding.