Education begins at home Young Parents of the Youth Development Program receive training

Young parents enrolled in the Youth Development program will receive fundamental parental training during the next coming weeks. 

The Youth Development Program is a second chance educational program for youngsters between 16 and 24 years who were unable to complete secondary education. The young parents are enrolled in the Active Parenting course for early childhood which caters to parents of children 0 to 4 years of age.


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The Youth Development Program currently has 32 young parents (male and female) in the program. The idea behind the Active Parenting workshops is to promote positive parenting amongst the target group and to assist them in raising their young ones using the right parenting tools.

The program received a generous donation from TDC (the Training and Development Center) which donated their facilities for the workshops. TDC was happy to assist the Youth Development Program with facilitating the workshops as TDC is proud to support the educational needs of the local community and is especially proud to sponsor these Active Parenting Workshops. TDC firmly believes that of all careers, parenthood should rank at the top of the list.

The Youth Development Program has enlisted SIFMA to conduct the Active Parenting workshops as the organization specifically deals with early childhood development. The Youth Development Program is funded by USONA and executed by the Department for Educational Research, Policy and Innovations (DERPI) of Island Government. For more information on the program or workshop, contact Janelle Presentacion at 543-0497.