Academy girls prevail and MPC boys win in great form

The SIMVA Secondary School Volleyball Tournament finals were played on Wednesday afternoon at the Melford Hazel Sports Facility. 

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In the womens finals Academy showed their supremacy as they did during the whole tournament and won the best of five final against MPC in 3 sets to zero. The Sets scores were 25-13, 25-20 and 25-13. Chesley Augustine led her in team both offensively as defensively to win this very exciting match. With her strong service she helped her team to remain the supreme queens of secondary school volleyball.

In the final match of the evening Academy boys played against their eternal rivals MPC. In the three previous matches played MPC won two. In the first set Academy and MPC battled and none of the teams wanted to give up, fighting point for point with the lead changing constantly. Ultimately Academy won the firts set with the score of 30-28. MPC regrouped in the break rethinking their strategy and Academy coach made some changes in their line up, not adhering to the adage never change a winning team. MPC in the second and third won easily with great serving of Lincoln Arrundell helping MPC to win 25 – 13 and 25 – 15. In the fourth set Academy tried to get back in the game but it was too late because after smelling blood MPC was not going to give up. MPC won the fourth set 25 – 23 to become 2010 Secondary School men’s champions. LIncoln Arrundell was the MVP with his strong serves and back court attack.