Vaccination Open House slated for Saturday May 29th 2010


Vaccination Week of the Americas (VWA) which takes place each year in April throughout the Western Hemisphere is an initiative of the countries of the Americas and the Caribbean to revitalize the political commitment to vaccinations and promote a culture of prevention.

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In 2010 Vaccination Week of the Americas celebrated its 8th anniversary. It was held from April 25 to May 2, 2010.

Themes emphasized during that week included the importance of family vaccination as well as the vaccination of health workers.

Since the exception of VWA, almost 200 million individuals have been immunized.

Sector Public Health’s aim is to promote general information and stimulate the participation of parents in the vaccination program to get more children onboard, to reach everyone.

THEME: "Reaching Everyone"


– To bring about awareness as it related to vaccination.

– To encourage individuals to be more responsible for the health of their child’s vaccination records.

– To provide the public with general vaccination information.

– To stimulate parents to have their children vaccinated.

– Recognition of retired nurses of the Collective Preventive Services, the White & Yellow Cross and the Baby Clinics.



Vaccination Open House

Age group: 0-17

Vineyard Building, Youth Health Care

Saturday, May 29, 2010

10.00am to 5.00pm