‘Population of Bonaire treated differently’

KRALENDIJK — Partido pro Hustisia & Union (PHU) criticizes both the government party PDB and the opposition party UPB for signing the administrative agreement with the Netherlands, as this creates a position of inequality for the population of Bonaire with regard to social-economical rights such as AOV, minimum wage and rent subsidy.


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PHU states the aforementioned in a press report.

The party of Rafael Santana and Michiel Bijkerk wonder why UPB ever agreed with this inequality and writes that PDB has even explicitly rejected the right to equality: "Therefore, democrats do not wish a decent AOV for the Bonairean population, in other words, an AOV comparable with that in the Netherlands, nor do the democrats want rent subsidy. The only thing the democrats want is the continuation of our Big Family Democracy, in others words of the Abraham-family."
For the time being PHU will continue to support an integral relationship with the Netherlands, but finds that the current administrative agreement should be adjusted on a number of points. For instance, as far as the party is concerned one should introduce rent subsidy on Bonaire, amongst others, and level up the AOV and the minimum wage in conformity with the AOW and the minimum wage in the Netherlands – in due course anyhow, "as that is the logical consequence of being part of the Netherlands. There is no fair deal without equality. The party, which is laboring for equality of the Bonairean population, will continue to fight for such. The ‘Bench of Equality’ will be restored to press home the aforementioned". The message written on the bench –situated on the Wilhelminaplein in front of the Pasanggrahan– states that the BES-citizens would be treated differently. PHU had placed the bench there because a similar bench has been placed next to the Binnenhof (the Dutch parliament building) in the Netherlands – guaranteeing equal basic rights for all Dutch citizens. After former UPB-deputy Anthony Nicolaas had signed the basic agreement with the Netherlands at the end of 2008, PHU had organized a demonstration and covered up the original text on the bench. "At the time, we said that the planks would only be removed if one were to respect the equality principle. Unfortunately, some of the planks have come loose in the meantime, currently revealing an incomprehensible text. That’s why we decided to remove the planks and paint the bench so that the original text can be brought out again."