Leather Back sea turtle nests for full moon on Simpson Bay Beach


It was a glorious full moon on March 30th. when a Leather Back Sea turtle came ashore on Simpson Bay Beach to lay her eggs.
The spectacle was watched by several persons on the beach who were attending a musical concert at Mary’s Boon.

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Many persons commented how beautiful and magical it is to see nature in its perfect form and for many it was their first time witnesseing such a magical happening.
Environmental group representatives were on the scene to make sure that the Sea Turtle and her eggs were not disturbed- the nesting area has been cordoned off by Nature Foundation Marine Park rangers.
Sint Maarten PRIDE foundation would like to remind beach bars and residents located on the beach side to look out for Sea Turtle tracks and to call the Nature Foundation Sea Turtle hot line number 9229 if they witness Sea Turtles nesting or hatchings emerging from their nests.
Simpson Bay Beach is one of the most active Sea turtle nesting areas, and persons should not stick umbrellas randomly in the sand, bright lights should be dimmed or replace white bulbs with yellow bulbs.
A person should never get close or interfere with a nesting Sea Turtle, this will only distract this magnificent creature nesting habits.
St.Maarten can be proud that we still have some of the worlds oldest creatures coming to our shores to nest.

Picture by Jadira Veen
Sint Maarten PRIDE foundation and hostess of Nature Watch radio program on 98.1 Pearl FM