Tzu Chi Foundation St. Maarten joined relief mission in Haiti

Since the day of the earthquake USA Tzu Chi head office has been arranging relief work in Haiti for the disaster victims under the careful instructions of its founder Master Chen Yen in Taiwan Headquarters.  

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Teams have been organized by the volunteers of Tzu Chi in Haiti to accommodate the necessary help throughout the months involved and to come. Rotating teams of volunteers allow the consistent flow of help to the disaster victims. Teams of volunteers from different parts of the world unite in Haiti for this nine day effort, then the teams will be rotated again. This week St. Maarten Tzu Chi volunteers will be joining the 11th rotation. Currently there are 125 Tzu Chi volunteers from different parts of the world joining the relief efforts in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

St. Maarten Tzu Chi foundation hereby thankful for the public of St. Maarten for their continuing support and their donation will be handed by Tzu Chi volunteers to the victims directly and respectfully. We will keep you update through media during the relief mission in Haiti. May God bless everyone and may there be no more disaster in the world.