MPC students learn about Study Financing

On Tuesday, while students from the 3rd and 4th grade of the HAVO and VWO classes where at the Government Administration Building in the Claude Wathey Legislative Hall, they heard a presentation by the Head of the Education Department Quincy Harrigan who explained about the Sector of Education. 

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He also went on to explain about the departments that falls under the sector, one of which is study-financing.

Harrigan then gave the word over to Ms. Olga Mussington, a counselor at the department, who spoke to the students about study financing and about choosing a concentration/major.

Mussington said that you must choose a career based on what you like to do or have an interest in, and that is a priority area of study. This latter part ensures a better chance of getting the study financing, 60% of which has to be paid back to government.

So it is important to research your area of study or participating in a student intern position in your area of interest before choosing a particular study, concentration, major. Find something that you are passionate about, Mussington said, and pursue that study.

A priority list was compiled by surveying the private and public sectors and inquiring what the urgent/immediate needs are.

In recent times there were certain subjects that students were not interested in on the priority list. Mussignton urged students to explore some of these not so popular areas: archaeology, meteorology, lab technician, nurses, lawyers, teachers, sociology, librarians, and teachers, who in high demand on St. Maarten.

She indicated that students haven’t been choosing these majors; they have been selecting instead the same concentrations over the years.

Too often students study what is popular, she said that students have to consider the market and getting a job within a competition and saturated market. So it was of the essence for students to choose their future career wisely.

As well, each sector, it was indicated by the Sector Directors and Department Heads, that there are areas open in the fields of policy, researchers, etc.

For more information on the priority list, please visit the website of study financing or visit the department for more information.