Police Report:Illegal gambling,Immigration controls,Police battled with stones,Two men arrested

Illegal gambling

Acting on information received by the police dept. of the Simpson Bay district concerning illegal gambling going in that district, several police patrols went to a popular restaurant on the Welfare road in Simpson Bay to investigate such a case. 

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During this investigation, in a backroom of this restaurant, a total of five persons were arrested while they involved in illegal gambling. All playing cards, gambling material and other items used during this illegal act were confiscated. The suspect in this case were all taken to the Philipsburg police station for questioning. After questioning they were all released. These suspects will all receive a summons informing them which date they will have to appear in court.

Police battled with stones

On Sunday March 14th between 07.15 p.m. and 08.30 p.m. police patrols from Philipsburg and Simpson Bay were sent to Brazilia road in Union Farm to intervene in an argument which turned into a physical fight whereby stones and bottles were thrown. During this fight a man from the Dominican Republic with initials T was battled with stones by several youngsters living in the neighborhood. Also during the throwing of the stones several items in a home, on that same street, in which T ran into for hiding were destroyed. The little daughter of T was struck in her right-side by one of the stones. On the arrival of the patrol they also were battled with stones. The police officers, because of the darkness, could not determine where the stones were coming from or who the culprits were. A warning shot was fired by one of the officers to deter those that were throwing stones. Several patrols were sent to assist in the search to apprehend the possible suspects without any success. The investigating officers have received information on the identities of the possible suspects and will within short start a case against these persons. The daughter of T. was treated at the police station by the paramedics and then transported to the hospital for further treatment.

Two young men arrested

On Tuesday March 16th between 10.00 and 10.30 a.m. a call came into the Central Dispatch, from a popular jewel store in the Front street informing them that shortly before two you men walked in to the store and after asking to see two diamond rings, took -off running with the rings without paying for them. The Police Bike patrol was immediately informed of the case and given descriptions of the suspects. During a short search by the Bike patrols one suspect with the initials R.A.W. was identified in the vicinity of Afoo Supermarket. He was immediately arrested and taken to the Philips burg Police station and handed over to the detective dept. The second suspect was not located. The detectives continued their investigation on March 17th and arrested the second suspect with initials J.P. Both suspects in have now admitted to have committed the act and has also returned both diamond rings with a value of more than U.S. $ 3000.-

Immigration controls.

On Tuesday March 16th between 07.00 p.m. and 10.00 p.m. the Immigration Dept. was busy with controls in connection with those businesses having any illegal persons employed. Several businesses were visited, work sites and several neighborhoods where these illegal persons would be living were checked. A traffic controls was also held. In total 14 persons were arrested in connection with their illegal status. These persons are from Italy, Jamaica, France, Anguilla, Dominican Republic and Dominica. The Immigration Dept. will continue these controls.