Island Council meeting scheduled for Wednesday on 2010 Budget; Central Committee set for Thursday

A meeting of the Island Council will take place on Wednesday, March 17 at 10.00am in the Claude Wathey Legislative Hall. 

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The agenda points for the meeting are Budget 2010 and the consequences for not having a budget in place, followed by the agenda point, the labour situation on the island.

The first Island Council meeting related to those agenda points was held on March 11, 2010, however due to the lack of a quorum, the meeting was cancelled 30 minutes after it had begun.

The aforementioned agenda points were requested by the Democratic Party opposition faction in the Island Council, namely Island Council members Sarah Wescot-Williams, Maria Buncamper, Leroy De Weever, and Roy Marlin.

The requested Central Committee meeting by the Democratic Party faction in the Island Council in their letter of March 11, 2010, will be held on Thursday, March 18 2010 at 2.30pm in the Claude Wathey Legislative Hall.

The agenda for the Central Committee meeting is related to answers from the Executive Council to questions posed by the members of the Island Council in the Central Committee of March 10, 2010.