St. Maarten Amature Athletic Association Results

The St. Maarten Amature Athletic Association would like to notify you of the Results coming from the qualification for the Carifta Games which took place over the week end 19th – 20th February 2010.  

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These are following athletes and their Results.

1. Sheldon Wilson 400 meters Time: 57:10 Seconds.

2. Leandre Peters 100 Meters Time: 11.7

Leandre Peters Long Jump Distance: 6.74 meters

3. Ranis Rainer 3000 Meters Time: DNS

4. Mike Destine 400 Meters Time: DNS

Mike Destine 200 meters Time: 22.80 seconds

5. Chris George: Triple jump Distance: 12.71 meters

6. Edwin Ruan Triple Jump Distance: 12.15 meters.

7. Brandon Webster Shot put. Distance: 10.45 meters.

Brandon Webster Javelin Distance 30.76 meters.

The results show that no athletes from St. Maarten made the bench marc making it possible to be selected for the Carifta Games: From St. Maarten Emmy Fraenck could not take part in this qualification due to her being in school in the USA. Based on her times ran in competition in the United States will determine if she will be selected. In total only one athlete from Curacao officially Qualified: ( Zacheri Brafhart in the Javline Throw under 45.66 in the 17 & Under)

Due to this result other athletes will be invited to take part in a selection, the key is that they will have to pay their own fare.

What is next for the athletes of St. Maarten is the Dutch Caribbean Championships, to be held May 28 /29 in Curacao. Athletes must qualify to take part. St. Maarten will be fielding a Selection: Qualifications will take place one week prior to the event.