Horacio Oduber Hospital:One-third of the patients undernourished

ORANJESTAD — From a research conducted by the Horacio Oduber Hospital (HOH), it appears that 34 percent of the admitted patients are undernourished.


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The research forms part of the 25 projects, which the hospital carries out to improve the quality and safety in the health care.
Improvement of the quality and safety is one of the hospital’s priorities for this year. In addition, infrastructure and training will receive extra attention this year, according to financial director Fernando Rigaud.

A test had been carried out during the undernourishment-project, which illustrated the high percentage of admitted patients coping with undernourishment. It is import to know the eating habits of patients, says Rigaud, as this influences the recovery. The care for these patients can be improved by taking measures, says the director. Another project to increase the care quality regards preventing bedsores. The hospital is currently assessing the quantity in order to compare these with figures from other hospitals. This is an international benchmark to see if HOH is on the right track in this field or not, says Rigaud. If it appears that improvement is required, then the hospital will take measures and continue to monitor the affects.
Another point regards involving doctors with a plan of approach in the field of quality and safety in the health care. In addition, the hospital wants ward doctors to work exchange shifts. Rigaud explains that at this moment, these doctors are nearly only working the weekday daily shift, but that there is a need for ward doctors outside these shifts. "The management is currently focused too much on the day shift from 7 o’clock in the morning until 3 o’clock in the afternoon, but we are a 24/7 company."

Another priority of the hospital regards the improvement of the infrastructure. Rigaud states that conversations are currently being held with the minister of Public Health on a so-called housing plan. For that purpose, he cannot elaborate on the plan for the moment, except that it regards a considerable expansion of the hospital. According to the financial director, it regards an expansion of the current location and no longer a new hospital. The plan consists of the thorough renovation of the existing buildings and new development on the side in the direction of the Costa Linda hotel.
The hospital itself is working on completing the renovation of the operating rooms, which had started last year. For instance, four of the five OR’s have been renovated. Since the beginning of this year, the fifth operating room is being renovated. It regards so-called down flow-system, says Rigaud. Operations with a high infection risk will be performed in this OR in due course. It regards an expensive system, the director explains. For instance, the renovation of the four operating rooms had cost just as much as the OR with the down flow-system (700.000 florins). It would be too expensive to provide all OR’s with such a system, but that does not mean that these operating rooms are inferior. They have been renovated in such a manner that – in any case – they will do for the next ten years."
Another project, which the hospital is pushing hard, regards joining the intensive care department (ICU) and the department coronary care (CCU). These will be situated on the first floor and according to Rigaud; this is a ‘challenging project’. Not only because this adjustment costs 2.2 million florins, but also because the intensive care is to continue as usual during these changes.

Another priority of the hospital regards the improvement of the infrastructure. Rigaud states that conversations are currently being held with the minister of Public Health on a so-called housing plan. For that purpose, he cannot elaborate on the plan for the moment, except that it regards a considerable expansion of the hospital. According to the financial director, it regards an expansion of the current location and no longer a new hospital. The plan consists of the thorough renovation of the existing buildings and new development on the side in the direction of the Costa Linda hotel.The hospital itself is working on completing the renovation of the operating rooms, which had started last year. For instance, four of the five OR’s have been renovated. Since the beginning of this year, the fifth operating room is being renovated. It regards so-called down flow-system, says Rigaud. Operations with a high infection risk will be performed in this OR in due course. It regards an expensive system, the director explains. For instance, the renovation of the four operating rooms had cost just as much as the OR with the down flow-system (700.000 florins). It would be too expensive to provide all OR’s with such a system, but that does not mean that these operating rooms are inferior. They have been renovated in such a manner that – in any case – they will do for the next ten years."Another project, which the hospital is pushing hard, regards joining the intensive care department (ICU) and the department coronary care (CCU). These will be situated on the first floor and according to Rigaud; this is a ‘challenging project’. Not only because this adjustment costs 2.2 million florins, but also because the intensive care is to continue as usual during these changes.

To conclude, the HOH states it will also give considerable attention to training this year. For instance, an agreement will be signed with the Vrije University in the Netherlands in April for the co-assistants-training.
In the future, the hospital also wants to start a mutual training for doctor’s assistants. In addition, the HOH is consulting with the Faculty Arts & Science of the University of Aruba for a master training Policy & Management Health Care.
Rigaud: "We are of the opinion that not many people have been well-trained in this area. We want to improve this by having people from the hospital itself or from the outside, follow this study."


To conclude, the HOH states it will also give considerable attention to training this year. For instance, an agreement will be signed with the Vrije University in the Netherlands in April for the co-assistants-training.In the future, the hospital also wants to start a mutual training for doctor’s assistants. In addition, the HOH is consulting with the Faculty Arts & Science of the University of Aruba for a master training Policy & Management Health Care.Rigaud: "We are of the opinion that not many people have been well-trained in this area. We want to improve this by having people from the hospital itself or from the outside, follow this study."