Mental Health Foundation in 2010

2010 is a year of change for St. Maarten. The "buzz" of constitutional change, status change and the many other changes to come, all set the stage for organizations such as Mental Health Foundation (MHF) to experience change as well.  

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As a way and means of keeping the community involved, MHF is using this opportunity to inform the public of the following:

· Public Awareness: The International World Mental Health theme for 2010 is :"Mental Health in Primary Care: enhancing treatment and promoting Mental Health". MHF has developed a Public Awareness program to raise the consciousness of the community in regards to mental health. Some of the activities include newspaper articles (on mental health issues), radio interviews and quizzes, family fun day, symposium(s) / workshops and fundraisers.

· Budgetary concerns: MHF operates business mainly with subsidies from Government. In a "Today" article of December 19th 2009, MHF made the headlines under the heading "Exco slashes subsidies for Mental Health". It is impossible for MHF to continue to provide quality care to its patients if the Executive Council persists in slashing our subsidy while still requiring us to provide services such as guided living (which will take some of our mentally ill off the streets) and in-patient care.

· Needs: In keeping with the International theme this year, MHF is in great need of interested and committed persons to lobby for the needs of the mentally ill of St. Maarten. We would like to get this "platform" organized and functioning as soon as possible. The dire straits that some of our mentally ill patients find themselves in are inhumane, to say the least. MHF is kindly asking potential contributors/ sponsors to contact us at their earliest convenience to gather more information on our goals and budget for 2010.