Saba’s Labour Party


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Ms.Akilah Levenstone

The 5 most important reasons to vote SLP # 1

    Strong leadership. A good and strong leader like Akilah will bring out the best in you, giv-ing you the opportunities you deserve without any obligation. Akilah believes that customer service does not end with a sale, so be assured that after you cast your vote, you will not be forgotten. Akilah values the strength that diversity builds and she will make decisions founded on sound morals and fair judgment.

    Proven performance. Serving in government as well as the private sector during the past 10 years, Akilah has built up a strong track-record based on her own strengths and capabilities, even without a college degree ("To a person without any sense, an education is like a set of handcuffs, but to a sensible person, it is like a gold bracelet (Sirach 21). More importantly, she did this without having to depend on favors from others or a family name. Akilah has gained vast experience with all aspects of the functioning of government. 

    Support true Democracy, stop the Dictatorship. True democracy means "one person, one vote, one value". Your vote is of equal value, and each one of us has to fight for democracy. History has proven that dictatorships, or rulers who try to hold on to power to long and then pass it on to their descendants, don’t last, and ultimately self-destruct. The current ruling party is a good example of this.

    Integrity, honesty and respect for the voter. The SLP will not intimidate you or punish you for the choice you make. Regardless of the political choices we make, as a people, we will all have to work together to move forward. Akilah will not exclude you after the elec-tions based on the choice you make.

    True Commitment and Continuity. The SLP will not just deliver empty promises or money in exchange for your vote, or present so-called party principles which have proven to be worthless. We don’t have to suddenly start visiting people or being friendly just to gain votes. We don’t switch parties for personal gain. With the SLP, what you see is what you get! What we will give is our full commitment, without asking anything in return.

The SLP will not just deliver empty promises or money in exchange for your vote, or present so-called party principles which have proven to be worthless. We don’t have to suddenly start visiting people or being friendly just to gain votes. We don’t switch parties for personal gain. With the SLP, what you see is what you get! What we will give is our full commitment, without asking anything in return.

A Vote for the blue is a vote for you.
